What qualifications are needed to serve Christ effectively? Could it be a undergraduate degree in bible, a masters in theology or ten years in BSF ? If you complete all of Beth Moore ’s bible studies or learn Greek words, does it help you minister?
I love the story in Mark 5 of the demonic man, with supernatural strength, who lived in the tombs. All the townspeople were afraid of him. One day Jesus cast out his demons and healed the man. Immediately the changed man begged to go with Jesus and become a disciple. Yet, Jesus called him to be a missionary instead! He sent the man back to his village saying, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” (Mark 5:9) When the man obeyed, “all the people were amazed”.
I don’t discredit formal training. My degree in Bible has been invaluable in my ministry. Yet, we often think we need years of preparation and experience before God can use us. We think we have to have a spotless reputation and raise perfect children. We wait for a special ‘calling’ from God or an invitation from others.
While these things are useful, they are not prerequisites. What God wants are willing hearts! God calls us all to ‘tell how much the Lord has done for us’. He wants us to open our hearts and lives to others, sharing how God has healed and given us a new purpose in life. Every Christian is called to be a witness.
That means, YOU and I are qualified to serve Christ. Are all those around you ‘amazed’ at what Christ has done in your life? Let’s make sure we share the mercy God has sent down on our lives!