Life has been full!
My parents are staying with me for a month and my Daddy i s fixing all the things we have let go in and around the house.
My one son came home for two weeks and leaves on Wed. During the few days of the year that I have my boys with me, I try to take as much off my schedule as possible so I have time for them.
My daughter’s boyfriend arrived from South Africa. Now begins the busy weeks of helping them both interview and decide on colleges for the fall.
I am teaching a class on 1 Peter for our ladies bible study at my church. That requires a lot of preparation and is probably where most of my time is going, or at least where most of the pressure I feel comes from.
We had over fifty ladies on Saturday for a Facebook Brunch. The two who accepted the Lord made ALL the work more than worth it!
I have put together a team of women to go to South Africa and Zimbabwe later this year and am just now beginning the planning and fundraising.
This all leaves me little time for my blog and for those of others. I try, but, there are only so many hours in the day. So, in being faithful to the priorities God has laid on my heart, I have chosen others things first. That doesn’t mean I don’t sneak away as much as I can to read your posts!
On my heart? Today just a bit of stress that has given me writer’s block. So, when you link up to On Your Heart Tuesday, take few moments to read the wonderfully inspiring posts of your neighbors. Thank you all for your wonderful friendship. I treasure you!
Linked with Friday Fragments