The Madness of Hope


I came home from the hospital this afternoon after four days. Man does home feel good! No buzzing, no IV pole to drag to the bathroom AND, since I can't sleep I can write. In the hospital I felt too sick to do anything! Plus I had an anesthetic migraine that lasted for about thirty hours and nothing would break it. That is gone now.

My thyroid was completely removed and the final report came back benign. This is a huge answer to prayer as my Doctors were not very encouraging. But God is greater and I had huge prayer support. I especially think back to three weeks ago when a group of ladies in South Africa prayed over me, some of them on two occasions. The healing began then! I have friends from all over the world, including the blog world that were praying so I want to thank each of you for the part you played in this process.

Even though I wasn't too worried and thyroid cancer is one of the easiest to cure, I am so grateful that I won't even have to think in that direction

I spent four days in the hospital because my body is not absorbing calcium so am really watching that at present. But, at least, I can do that from home.

This is a scripture that a friend from South Africa prayed over me this week. Jeremiah 30:17a. "For I will restore health to you and your wounds I will heal, saith the Lord."

  1. > A Chosen Identity
  2. > When Opportunity Knocks
  3. > Never Forsaken
  4. > Under the Thorns
  5. > M for More Like My Mother