The Madness of Hope

Beautiful People / In Search of Beauty

This Thanksgiving was my first without any children. As I reflect on that, I am so grateful for my daughter's South African family. They have loved her from the beginning, made her one of them, and this Thanksgiving she cooked a typical Thanksgiving meal for them. I also grew to love them as I spent a week with them the beginning of November. As I contemplated my photo for beauty, I chose them. For they are indeed beautiful people.

If you read an earlier post, I Am Entrusting My Daughter to a Stranger, this is that family. I end that post with, "I just hope she doesn't fall in love with an Africa and never want to come home." @ell she did fall in love, but is coming home December 1st. Noeline is a treasured sister in Christ and now a partner in ministry. Both are beautiful!

I have also chosen Sarah, whom I spent two weeks with in Thailand. She is beautiful inside and out and has a beautiful and godly family as well.

I pray Philippians 1:3-5 over each of their lives, "I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Where have you found beauty this week? )This is a photo blog hop to share where you have found beauty.

  1. > Dancing in Heaven / OYHT Link
  2. > When Sin Eats Away
  3. > Show and Tell Friday
  4. > Decor of my African Homeland
  5. > Z for Zambia