The Madness of Hope

Teaching in Mae Sai

Today begins two days of teaching in Mae Sai, a small border town between Thailand and Burma.

An hour walk across the border is a bible college with twenty seven Burmese students, two Akha tribe young men from Thailand and a Lissu. We cannot cross over to teach and even visiting the college could put the school at jeopardy. So they are all coming to us.

A few days ago we did not know we would be teaching and now we have two and a half days to share God's word with them. They do not want humorous or entertaining stories. Even if we told them, the meanings would be lost in translation. These young people are just hungry for the Word of God.

Last night we were able to worship with these students. It was simple: a guitar and voices.

Today will be simple as well. Yet we know that God's word will not return to us void.