The Madness of Hope

Be Prepared To Give An Answer

Once a friend asked me a question, “What do you believe about…... and why?” I honestly cannot remember her question or my answer. What I do remember is that, after I answered, she replied, “That is the first time anyone has ever been able to answer that question for me!”
I’ve been hearing a lot about getting kids ready for school, and how to be prepared should a disaster occur in our city. What about being prepared to answer for what we believe in?
1 Peter 3: 15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Are we as diligent in preparing to give an answer for our faith as we are preparing for other areas in life?
It is so important that when asked questions, we can give an answer. People may never ask again, or may ask someone else who gives them an answer that is not of the Lord. So, today, I have some helpful suggestions.
Make a list of questions you have been asked or anticipate people asking. Then go about preparing for how you will answer. Your answers should not be so long as to bore and not so detailed as to turn people off.

Pray before you meet with people. Whether I am meeting a Christian or a non-Christian, I try to pray ahead of time that I will be a blessing to that person. I pray that God will put His words into my mind and heart. I have walked away from conversations before surprised at the answers that come out of my mouth, as I know they did not come from me, but from God.

Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know the answer. Offer to find out and get back with them.

Many times there is no logical answer and that is when the answer boils down to a matter of faith. In those cases, share your faith. Tell them how you have come to believe, and what that faith means to you. This is where a short two to three minute testimony of what God means in your life is helpful to have prepared ahead of time.
Know your Bible! Memorize key scriptures so they are always in your head.
Keep up to date on trends and ideas in society and how they compare to what God says.
And last, but not least, pray! As soon as a conversation comes up, silently pray for boldness, wisdom and for God to help you recollect any important information.

Remember, it is an honor to speak for the Lord. If He sends someone into your path with questions, He is entrusting these people to you. Take it seriously and be prepared to give an answer for your faith.
If you have any other suggestions, I would love for you to add them in the comment section below.

Please go here for another practical post on being prepared!

  1. > Language Of Silence
  2. > College: Memories of Insecurity
  3. > Pointing Out The Bad
  4. > Sorrow Needs Company
  5. > T is for Tarzan