Unless the soul is at peace, there is no rest for the body.
Rest for the weary body can be found, if we but stop and allow ourselves to be refreshed and nourished. Or, sometimes we just need a good long nap! We may work ourselves to utter exhaustion, but, when the activity ceases, sleep is welcome.
Yet, for the weary soul, sleep does not come. All activity may cease and the body may lie curled up on the bed, but the mind is unsettled, worried, and active.
With time, sleep may come. Yet, when the morning sun breaks through the cracks of the curtains and our eyes squint to block its light, our hearts are still weary. For sleep does not give rest to the soul. And, a burdened soul is of far greater danger than a tired or weary body.
As the Psalmist said, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him,” (62:5.) It is only as we put our hope in and trust in God, relinquishing all into His hands, that rest calms our souls.
Our Good Shepherd bids us lie beside the streams of living water where He restores our soul. Only through Him, does soul healing begin,
So, “Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” (Ps 116;7) Stop