What do you seek to fill your life with? What is it that temporarily satisfies the emptiness in your heart and soul? Sometimes those things are good, sometimes not.
Either way, if they are not the eternal fulfillment that God wants us to have, they not only will not fulfill us, they will also destroy us.
In a 2008 Rolling Stones magazine interview with Brad Pitt, Brad said these words, “Man, I know all those things are supposed to seem important to us; the cars, the condo, our version of success. But if that’s the case, why is the general feeling out there feeling more impotence and isolation and desperation and loneliness? If you ask me, I say toss this, we gotta find something else. I don’t have those answers yet. The emphasis now is on success and personal gain. I’m the guy who’s got everything. I’m sitting in it and I’m telling you, ‘This is not it!’”
Here is someone that seemingly had everything yet had not found inner fulfillment. It is a constant battle for each of us to continually draw our hearts back to seeking our fulfillment only in God. We have deeper cravings then these and only Jesus can satisfy them.
When we cease clinging to these things, people, ideas around which we seek happiness and define our lives and hand them over to God, we are free to find our fulfillment in Him. But first, we must hand over these things to Him.
Sometimes this is hard! We don’t want to let go. It may be painful. But it is only in letting go that we can find all that God has intended for our lives.
What is it that you need to let go of to enjoy God fully in your life?
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