The Madness of Hope

Live Life Like You're Dying

My bucket list has changed as I have grown older. As running Boston was checked off, climbing Kilimanjaro was erased. As I go to India in October (a lifelong dream), I will take visiting Thailand off. It is not that I
would not still like to do these things, but they are not of the same importance as they used to be.

In reality, maybe my bucket list has not gotten shorter, it has just changed. There is still much to do, but the
focus has changed.

If I truly pray, “Thy kingdom, Thy will be done.” Then I need to live my life far more intentional. When I am on my death bed, it will not matter if I ever snorkeled with the sea turtles or finished a triathlon.

When Jesus said in Mark 10:10, “I have come that they might have life, and might have it to the full,” I believe that means we begin living our lives in the light of eternity now!

This past week, while watching an old video of a Billy Graham crusade, I begin to pray for that same power to draw people to God as he had. What greater way to leave this world than to know that through our lives and our words, many have come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

That doesn’t mean I don’t want to pursue my interests and have fun! One thing I have wanted to do since moving to Southern California is to hike up all these beautiful mountains. That, combined with the fact that God has been convicting me of not knowing anyone outside our church, has led me to start looking into joining a community hiking group. I will still be doing what I enjoy, but doing it while living in the light of eternity.

If living life like you are dying means checking things off my ‘bucket' list, then I will add to that list, ‘Be
intentional in every relationship, word, deed and activity.’ And have fun doing it!

  1. > Quote it and Sing it
  2. > Pink
  3. > Guest Writer: Janette Wright on Surrender
  4. > Got Heartburn?
  5. > Elephant Migration Through Hotel in Zambia