Call it writer’s block that one never recovered from. Or an obsession with blogging being replaced with and obsession with friends and exercise. Or maybe we will just blame it on the new medication. Whatever I choose to attribute the last few months of silence to doesn't really matter because I think I am back.
I am back in a different way and for those of you who followed my blog before, you will notice the difference. There are many changes in my life; from where I live, to what I do with my spare time, to where I worship, to the upcoming wedding of my daughter. But I am still me and I am happy to be back.
Over the next few weeks I will seek to describe some of the changes but will begin with the physical. After twelve years of preventative medications for migraines, my neurologist finally stumbled on something that worked. Getting rid of my (mostly exercised induced) migraines has allowed me to exercise again.
Seven years ago I gave up marathons and shortly after, I had to give up all exercise. I proceeded over the next years to gain about 40 lbs. As of June when I hit the gym again I have now lost 40 lbs. and feel as good physically as I ever have. I will tell you soon about my Spartan race I participated in last week which just wet my appetite to begin racing again: all in a new way!
It is amazing to me how good I feel just not having the almost daily headaches. For those of you also suffering from migraines, I encourage you to stick with your neurologists. I had pretty much given up hope and am so happy that I continued to try new medications, despite the side effects which were often not so pleasant.
God is good and I am so thankful to Him!
I am also happy to be back in Bloggy Land!!!