The Madness of Hope

Humble Yourself / The Way I Interpret 1 Peter 5:5-7

"Young people (meaning anyone younger than YOU, the reader), I applaud your enthusiasm in desiring to serve God. You bring such excitement and energy to the church.
However, you are still young. You need to concentrate on growing in God’s Word and learning from those in leadership over you. Be humble, realizing that they have years of experience and maturity that have been considered by God and others when put in the positions they are in.
Remember, God doesn’t like pride. He wants you to be humble. Acknowledge how far you have to go still in your walk with God and in your abilities to lead. If you accept your lower position with humility, God will eventually shower you with grace and give you the responsibility you desire.
God knows your passion, your desires and your ambition. These are good things, if you don’t become prideful. God loves zeal!
So give your ambition to Him. Don’t worry about when you will be promoted or whether you could do things better. Ambition can cause a lot of anxiety so we need to make sure it is mixed with humility. God loves you and cares for you and for those you wish to minister to. So give all your anxiety to Him. In the right time, you will be given positions of greater responsibility.
In the meantime learn all you can and let God make you into the person just right for the job He has in store for you!
Verse 3: Elders, as the younger generation comes in a humble attitude of submission, do not ‘lord’ your position over them. Lead by example and take into consideration that they have much to offer. Learn from their zeal.
Submit to one another! This is how the church will grow."

  1. > Creation,
  2. > Taste And See
  3. > B is for Boys and Bugs
  4. > Affluence
  5. > Mad Cow Disease and Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease