Families in need were invited to attend our church's second annual toy giveaway. These families were nominated by church members and school teachers and principals. Each family was phoned ahead of time, given a time slot and asked the names and ages of their children.
They stood in line to register and be placed with a host. The host was a church member with the task of taking them to all the stations: live nativity, smore station, toy store, gift wrapping and dining room. Their main responsibility was to love on the family and show them the hands and feet of Jesus.

The worship center transformed into a toy store. All toys were donated by members of our church and children were able to choose a toy relative to their age. Teens were taken to a Christmas tree decorated with gift cards to Target, Old Navy, Best Buy etc.

At the end, families were treated to an assortment of soups and drinks. Their hosts offered to pray with them if they desired as by this time they had built a relationship with the family.
Because of the heavy rain, even the live nativity was brought inside the worship center. The 'accidents' had by the donkey and goat only added to the festive atmosphere!
Over 500 families were served and more than 1300 toys given away. We pray Christmas was made a bit brighter and Jesus was seen in these efforts to serve the community.
Our church runs around 4500. This project can be scaled back in smaller churches. A few needy families could be targeted from the church and community rather than hundreds. Rather than just handing out toys, the families can be brought in for a fun evening and a chance to build relationships. The main thing is to direct them to Jesus and to make Christmas special.
Other posts on the Church Serving the Community
Going Outside the Church Walls: Intro
House to Home
Bumper Bag Sundays
Bee a Blessing / Outreach to Women