She is lonely.
The woman lives alone. Her ‘friends’ are the people she speaks with at her aerobic classes or at the hair dresser. She occupies her time with gardening, painting, puzzles and knitting.
She waited expectantly for her son to arrive. He stayed only three days and left. She is left with the daughter-n-law for ten more days. She is glad to have the wife, but it is her son that the woman’s heart painfully yearns for.
So the daughter-n-law put away the computer, the camera and the journal. She picked up the knitting needles. The mother-n-law’s face brightened and she became more talkative. Joy filled her heart. She can relate to very little in the life of the daughter-n-law. But they can knit in unity and she feels useful and full of knowledge.
So they sit: the mother, the son’s wife, and the granddaughter. They knit.
The daughter-n-law feels the urge to study. She has lessons to prepare and a speech that will be presented in less than a week. Yet, that is not what God is calling her to do. Sometimes God calls one to knit.
This is my calling today. It is my calling from God. I am to knit.
The moment the soul yields itself to obey, The Lord Himself gives the strength and joy to do it. Andrew Murray