I have been reading Charles Swindoll's book on David, A Man of Passion and Destiny, and wanted to share from one chapter. Our society puts so much pressure on us to succeed and to be noticed: to be extraordinary. Yet, when God called David to be king, David was a nobody, a simple shepherd boy.
Last week I shared how God trains his servants in times of solitude and I wanted to just quote parts of Swindoll's book in this post for today.
"David grew up in obscurity. That's another way God trains his best personnel--in obscurity. Men and women of God, servant-leaders in the making, are first unknown, unseen, unappreciated, and unapplauded. in the relentless demands of obscurity, character is built. Strange as it may seem, those who first accept the silence of obscurity are best qualified to handle the applause of popularity.
The third training ground is monotony. That's being faithful in the menial, insignificant, routine, regular, unexciting, uneventful, daily tasks of life. Life without a break... without the wine and roses. Just dull, plain L-I-F-E."... "Just constant, unchanging endless hours of tired monotony as you learn to be a man or woman of God... with nobody else around, when nobody else notices, when nobody else even cares. That's how we learn to 'king it'."
May we find joy and fulfillment in being who and where God has called us. May we be faithful in the simple things, when no one sees. May we serve the audience of ONE.
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