For Five Minute Friday, Gypsy Mama has asked us to set the timer and write for five minutes on the subject ‘Full’. We submit it: no editing or proofreading. Here goes:
What comes to mind immediately is John 10:10, “I have come that you might have life and might live it to the fullest.” I have lived a full life; full of travel, friends, family, service projects, helping others, serving God… If I were to die today, I could honestly say that there is nothing I wish I could have done. I am content and grateful for my life and what God has given me. Because of Christ, I have joy as he fills my cup to overflowing every morning. Because of Him, I have grabbed every opportunity given to me and He just keeps giving more. There are few regrets. For in serving Him, he has made my life complete. My life is full of many things, but my sense of fulfillment comes from Him. All the extra blessings are toppings on the cake.
My mind went blank…tick tock…tick..tock…STOP