The Madness of Hope

Do you love me?
Then, Feed My Sheep

“Do You Love Me ?” is a question that Jesus not only asked of Peter, but He asks of us. For, as Thomas Aquinas says, “To love God is something greater than to know him.” As with anything else in life, with love comes responsibility. Love results in action.
Peter said, “Yes, Lord, I love you.” (John 21:15-17) To which Jesus replied, “Then feed my sheep.”
To have a heart for God is to have al heart for all that concerns Him. God has made it clear throughout all of Scripture that He has a heart for people. He is the Great Shepherd. He watches over his people, protects them, showers them with goodness, and gives us peace and green pastures to lie down in. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son for us.
Do we have a heart like God’s? Do we have the heart of a shepherd? Whether we have one sheep or many, we have a responsibility of caring for them if we say we love God. Are we passionately concerned with the lost state and the general welfare of those around us?
“Do you love me?”
“Then feed my sheep.”

Keep giving when your energy and emotions are spent. Listen to your husband when your eyes want to drift into sleep as your head lay on your pillow at night. Go the extra mile in building up those around you. Meet a lonely friend for coffee. Invite people into your home. Give 100% when preparing bible lessons and speeches. Prepare meals that are healthy and loved rather than just what is easy. Give up some of your precious time to visit the sick or write encouragement notes. The list goes on.