The Madness of Hope

Destroying What We Love Most

Why is it is that we destroy the thing that matter most in life to us?

There is no greater joy or excitement then when I arrive home with a new stuffed animal for Pencil. She nibbles and tugs until the eyes come off. Then, she works diligently until the white fluffy stuff inside is scattered across the floor.

When the bear is destroyed, she loses interest and her attention moves to other, more fun things. What was once loved and treasured, often hidden away behind chairs to prevent others from taking it away, is now discarded on the carpet.

I think, “Why is it that we destroy the things we love most in life?” Why do we belittle and criticize those closest to us? While encouragement comes easy outside the home, we return to our homes tired, irritable and at the end of our rope when it comes to lifting up our family.

This morning my husband woke before me and made coffee. When I stumbled, eyes half open, to the pleasure of coffee already made, I made the statement, “The coffee is weak today.” Why did I not just thank him kindly for allowing me the joy of curling up on the couch with a cup of hot coffee before having to do anything else?

I justify my need to nag my family. If they kept their things put away, I would not have to remind them over and over to pick things up. Yet, do I compliment for the things they do without asking?

Have you ever seen the disappointment or hurt in your loved one’s face when you say unkind things? I have. And it makes me sad!

I don’t want to destroy those I love the most with critical or impatient words. According to Proverbs 12:18, “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Let us take Ephesians 4:29 to heart. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Let that be our rule first with our families. Then we can take it outside the home!

This is what is on my heart today. What is on yours? Please link your post below to On Your Heart Tuesday.

Linked with Women of the Word Wednesdays

  1. > Dancing in Heaven / OYHT Link
  2. > When Sin Eats Away
  3. > Show and Tell Friday
  4. > Decor of my African Homeland
  5. > Z for Zambia