We all worship the same God; regardless of language, culture and setting
We don't have to be 'entertained' and sometimes the special effects can be a distraction.
It is not all about perfection.
Strong Bible teaching is needed from the pulpit.
I too often let myself become too busy with things of little or no eternal purpose.
That every gift given by God is good enough to be used.
We don't need the best of everything to attract people to our church. What brings people is God and the love and acceptance we show as His children.
We need to return to what the church in Acts practiced: preaching Jesus and the power of the resurrection, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.
That I cannot become judgmental of the church in America. For, the church adapts to it's culture; good or bad.
Most of all, I am reminded that I love the body of Christ. It is one body, worldwide, serving the one God and we are of one heart. We are not perfect but we aim to become more like Christ. I am so grateful that God chose me to be a part of his church.
What do you love about the church?
What is on your heart this week?