This past weekend I had the awesome privilege to be in Cape Town, South Africa, with my team, to hold two conferences with the women there. The conferences were called "Healing Hearts" and were aimed at sharing the love of Christ with women and letting them know that the only way to find true healing from the brokenness in our lives is through the power of Jesus Christ.
While there, I met Tracy from My Daily Walk. Tracy and I have been blog friends since March of last year when she began her blog. We became email friends soon after. However, let me tell you the side of Tracy that does not come out in her blog. She is witty, generous, quick on her feet with funny comments and full of fun. We had hoped to meet up last October when I was here in South Africa and it never worked out but she was worth waiting for. We had so much fun laughing and becoming 'hugging' friends as well as virtual friends.You have to love her!! Her husband is great as well: also funny and generous!

I also had the tremendous pleasure of meeting in person Emilene from A Life Guarenteed. Emilene first contacted me about coming to speak in Cape Town about a year and a half ago and it finally, through many prayers and months of planning, came to pass. She is a precious, soft spoken, gracious woman who gathered a team of women who planned two conferences for us. She also was such a pleasure to meet.
I will later blog about the conferences, the wonderful experiences we had and how God worked but for now I just want to praise God for these two Godly women and say how excited I am that I got to meet them in person. They are two blessings on my life that I am so grateful for.
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