The Madness of Hope

I'm Still Growing

Five Minute Friday: Write for Five minutes on the word: Grow
Do we ever stop growing?
I grew as a child, a Christian, a wife and a mother. I am 49 years and am presently going through a growth spurt. (In weight too but that is not what I am talking about)
When my children were young I gave up dreams and ambition to be there for them. I never regretted it.
As a wife of an international business man who transferred every two years around the world, I gave up any hope of pursuing what I wanted to become. I never regretted that either.
My three kids are in college and we have moved back to the United States. Now is my time to grow into the woman I want.
Waves of fear and insecurity threaten to wash over me and pull me under. I battle between feeling old and feeling invigorated: between sinking and swimming to win a race.
Growing pains can still hurt, even at 49! But I don’t want to give up. I don’t want to stop growing. I have more freedom and flexibility than ever in my life. Now is my time. I can still grow into who I want to become. I'm not too old to grow... am I ????