Nothing is crueler than a school playground. Nothing is more devaluing than being chosen last for a team.
During my fourth grade of school, our family left Zambia to return to Tennessee for a year of furlough. Of all my experiences that year, I remember most the process of choosing teams for kickball. Each team had a captain who would take turns choosing from the class until every child was chosen.
The experience was humiliating as I was always the last chosen: waiting with my head down, daring to hope, yet having those hopes crushed day after day. The only exception was the one time my solitary friend was captain. Relief that I was not the last standing on the playground overshadowed any sense of joy from being chosen.
Over the years, I have discovered my identity and self-esteem based on how God views me. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “You are a chosen people….a people belonging to God, so that you might declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
In Deuteronomy 7:7, we read that God did not chose the Hebrew people because of their numbers, but because He loved them and was keeping his promise to them.
God didn’t choose me because I can run fast or kick a home run! He didn’t’ chose me because I am holy. He ‘chose me before the creation of the world TO BE holy and blameless.” He chose me ‘out of his own pleasure and will’! (Ephesians 1:4) God chose me just because He loves me and He makes me holy through the work of his Son.
I remind myself that it doesn’t’ matter that I was not chosen for a job I desired. I will not base my self worth on whether I have been chosen to be a part of the ‘in group’, chosen to speak or chosen to attend a party.
God has chosen me. He loves ME! I am on his team!
The best part is: he didn’t choose me based on the process of elimination. He chose me before the beginning of time.
That makes me feel pretty special!!!!