This morning I awoke at the break of dawn, stumbled down the stairs and turned on the coffee pot. Finding the spot always reserved for me on my over sized couch, I powered on my computer to check the dashboard of my blog. After reading and answering the comments, checking the number of views and publishing the post written last night, I poured a cup of freshly brewed coffee and sat back down to read from God’s Word. I had spent a bit too long on my blog, so my reading was rushed.
Two hours later I was sitting in our worship service at church, listening to the speaker. My mind strayed as thoughts of a good blog idea popped into my mind like a light bulb suddenly switching on. I took out my notebook and began scribbling.
Upon returning home, the computer was back on my lap as I searched Facebook for photos of an event I attended yesterday. There were so many fun comments to read and friends to catch up on. I do love that I have been able to reconnect with friends around the world.
Unfortunately I have to tear myself away from the computer to attend an event I have RSVP’s to. Not what I want to do when I could write a blog.
Not to mention that I should spend time with God
Are we more focused on increasing our number of followers than following Christ?
Do we spend more time reading other's blogs than reading the Bible?
In the morning, do we check in with Facebook before checking in with God?
Are our prayer times and devotions interrupted by text messages?
Media and Parenting Media and My Marriage Media and My Relationship With God Media and My Homemaking